North's Funeral Homes

242 Orange Street
Abilene, Texas 79601
(325) 677-6246

Check with North's Funeral Homes about which type of funeral services and products the funeral home, mortuary or memorial chapel provide at their Abilene, Texas location.

Contact the North's Funeral Homes Funeral Director to ensure the services they provide match your personal needs. Call the Funeral Director at (325) 677-6246.

If there is a religious preference, make sure that North's Funeral Homes can accommodate your religious practices before, during and after the funeral ceremony and at any graveside service.

Every story has two sides. North may have theirs, but here is our family's. North's Funeral Home is NOT concerned with your family during your time of grief. Our loved one, Oscar Villalobos, passed away this past week. He prearranged for his final moments with North's. Unfortunately, his final arrangements and family were handled with less respect than I'm sure he felt would happen. Apparently, every step of funeral arrangements must be made with North's for they will not guide nor assist the family unless it is paid for. The family's understanding of prearrangement did not meet the North's understanding. Please verify if all issues have been addressed: transportation of body, embalming, visitations, memorial service and certainly make sure that all these occur within their open hours otherwise it might get in the way of their evening plans. Additionally, get everything in writing and always know who with you are talking. We called and spoke with Sandy North stating we were coming in from out of town and we had flowers being sent for Oscar. She told husband they would hold them. However; we found a note on their doors DO NOT leave anything for Oscar Villalobos. Family has not made arrangements. Then, when we asked about the flowers, Ms. North told my husband they never delivered. In fact, the florist was called and told to pick them up. For a moment, let's forget the apparent lying and lack of respect. Let's say, we the family, did not make arrangements. A good business designed around service ( according to their sign, serving people for 100 years), you would think that a conversation would happen with the family to identify any shortcomings in arrangements. That they would insure all aspects were covered and a clear understanding of arrangements were made for both parties. Instead, we were told the body was in too bad of condition, it would take too long to make him look right and we wouldn't be able to see him until the next day before cremation. They did nothing to ease the family's pain and give them one last opportunity to say goodbye to a father, a grandfather, a brother...a good man. By the way, the cosmetic work they did was good. Oscar looked very natural, very much at peace. Pretty good for a body that was in "pretty bad condition". So, that is our side of this story. But, don't take our word for the service...ask anyone in Abilene. Ask the State School what their thoughts are of North's Funeral Home. - ()

The North's Funeral Homes is one of the funeral homes in Abilene, Texas. Listed below are other funeral homes, memorial chapels, mortuaries, and funeral service providers in Abilene, Texas and Taylor County.