Charles H McIntyre Funeral Home

323 North Union Street
Felicity, Ohio 45120
(513) 876-2831

Check with Charles H McIntyre Funeral Home about which type of funeral services and products the funeral home, mortuary or memorial chapel provide at their Felicity, Ohio location.

Contact the Charles H McIntyre Funeral Home Funeral Director to ensure the services they provide match your personal needs. Call the Funeral Director at (513) 876-2831.

If there is a religious preference, make sure that Charles H McIntyre Funeral Home can accommodate your religious practices before, during and after the funeral ceremony and at any graveside service.

this is one of the worst funeral homes i have ever been to i wouldnt lay my dog down with these people it was cold and miserable they would not let you bring in hot bevs or did they serve any do not use this service or you will be sorry sorry service - ()

They were very caring and attentive to our needs and requests. They are the only funeral home our family uses and their prices are very reasonable. - ()

Mr. McIntyre & his staff provided outstanding service for the loss of my loved one. They went above and beyond to meet our every need. They were able to work within our budget and still maintain the services we were looking for. - ()

Very satisfied with services they provided. - ()

Thank you for your kindness, compasion, & meeting all of our needs for my father. - ()

Excellent service and prices. Our first time to use this funeral home. We were very pleased. - ()

Just want to comment that I have never been treated with such caring staff (and the price was very reasonable too). - ()

Very kind and caring staff. Thank you for your service to our family in our time of need. - ()

We used them for my father-in-law and this was the first time ever used them. Most caring staff I have ever been around and prices were very reasonable. my family will use them again when the need arises. - ()

Recently used this funeral home and found them to be very accommodating. Excellent staff and prices. Country folks that made our grief a little easier. Thank you for caring. - ()

I was more than pleased with the personal attention our family was given. This country funeral home was amazing in the service they provided for my mother. Yes, I would recommend them to anyone wanting qualify service for a reasonable price. Thank you staff at the Mcintyre funeral home. - ()

Excellent service and price very reasonable. Recommend this funeral home because of their caring and dedication to our family. - ()

Amazing, caring, considerate staff. Thank you for your service to our family. This was a very difficult time for us and helped us through it. - ()

The Charles H McIntyre Funeral Home is one of the funeral homes in Felicity, Ohio. Listed below are other funeral homes, memorial chapels, mortuaries, and funeral service providers in Felicity, Ohio and Clermont County.
Funeral Homes in Felicity